To mail a donation please use the following address: The Harvard Independent, Inc PO Box 592 Bradford, NH 03221
Support The Harvard Independent in providing in-depth reporting on the issues that matter, with captivating prose and beautiful design.
In 1969, with the Harvard campus rocked by student protests, the need arose for an independent voice to stand apart from the openly-biased, censored established news outlets. That need led to the founding of a new weekly newspaper: The Harvard Independent. In the Indy's debut issue on October 9, 1969, its founders wrote that they hoped to provide “in-depth coverage and analysis of important campus and community questions,” foster “a greater exchange of differing opinions,” and “promote dialogue and controversy.” They never imagined that the newspaper would still be part of the Harvard community more than half a century later, continuing to provide an alternative home for student journalists and still stirring up controversy.
Harvard does not own our office. The 24-hour news cycle does not constrain our coverage. Our editorials are not restricted to any fixed ideology. And we are not just chasing a headline. We do what a daily newspaper, group chats, posters, and the rumor mill cannot. We tell the stories and provide in-depth coverage of the the issues that are buzzing around campus, the off-beat, the strange, the taboo, and the provocative.
Your ongoing financial support is crucial to the Indy’s operations. We look to donors to support our higher printing costs as we have now returned to weekly printing, the cost of rent for our new office in Harvard Square, and the operational costs that are required to run this newspaper as smoothly as possible. With your support, our staff has the ability to follow stories, promote dialogue, and publish campus-leading news, sports, and arts coverage without any financial restrictions.
Help the Indy maintain its proud voice! Donate!
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To mail a donation please use the following address: The Harvard Independent, Inc PO Box 592 Bradford, NH 03221